The Patient Participation Group (PPG) of The Ivy Medical Group (IMG) are running a series of health promotion initiatives with the full support of the practice. These will comprise poster campaigns and awareness articles in this and the PPG section of the IMG website. Copies are also available on the practice notice boards. These articles we have entitled Health Insights, our fourth topic is Diabetes Type 2.

Lets Talk…
Feeling stressed, Anxious, or suffering with low mood and not accessing services for support ? Let’s Talk Wellbeing can arrange an NHS assessment appointment for you now, call us on 01159 560888
Self Refer
Think Stroke
Remember F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time): Face – has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile? Arms – can they raise both arms and keep them there? Speech – is their speech slurred? Time to call 999 if you see any one of these signs of a stroke.
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