What is a PPG?
A patient participation group (PPG) is a group of patients and GP practice staff who meet regularly and work together to improve the quality of care and outcomes for patients. PPGs can bring significant benefits to a GP practice: improving services, allowing resources to be used more efficiently and, most importantly, developing mutually supportive networks (outside the GP or nurse appointment). Groups help the practice to develop services that reflect what patients need and want.
PPG members are all volunteers who are advocates for the practice and the services it provides. A thriving PPG is increasingly viewed as an indicator of a high-quality caring practice.
Effective PPGs strengthen the relationship between patients and practice staff which is critical to the provision of modern, high quality general practice.
The practice has a mature and thriving PPG established in 2006 and refreshed in 2022. The group is chaired by Bob Barrett and the secretaries are Tracy Madge and Martin Maynes. The PPG meets regularly to support the practice and improve patient care.
Contacting the PPG
If you wish to pass any comments on to the PPG, or wish to be part of the PPG then please do contact the secretaries on ppg@ivymedicalgroup.co.uk – your contact details will only be used for this purpose and will be kept safely.
Getting involved
If you’re interested in having a say about the way your local health services are delivered and using your skills to support all our patients getting involved with the PPG is a great place to start. PPGs are the patients voice and want to ensure the patient view is at the heart of local provision so that services are of high quality and continuously improve.
PPG News, Letters, Meeting Notes, Documents, Health Insights and other information
Health Insights – a periodic look at topical health-related issues.
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) of The Ivy Medical Group (IMG) are running a series of health promotion initiatives with the full support of the practice. These will comprise poster campaigns and awareness articles here and in the health information and the PPG section of the IMG website. Copies are available in the practice. These articles we have entitled Health Insights, our topics appears below with other key work areas.
AGM Meeting Agenda and Minutes and Papers 16 Dec. 2024
Meeting Agenda and Minutes 17 July 2024
Meeting minutes 25 April 2024
March 2024 – Annual Report Spotlight: Practice Performance Annual Review of Complaints and Complements.
“You said – we did”
March 2024 – Updated PPG Who’s Who

December 2024
November 2024
Health Insights #9 Social Prescribing – please click the link below:
July 2024
Health Insights #8- Diabetes – please click the link below:
February 2024
Health Insights #7 – Focus on Men’s Health ‘The Prostate’ – please click the link below:
January 2024
Health Insights #6 – BLOOD IN YOUR PEE? SEE A GP! – please click the link below:
December 2023 – Our PPG Annual Report 2022-2023
October 2023
Health Insights #5 – WINTER IS COMING:GET FIT FOR WINTER – please click the link below:
August 2023
Health Insights#4 – DIABETES TYPE 2 – please click the link below:
Previous Publications in 2023
Health Insights#3 – MENTAL HEALTH please click the link below:
Health Insights#2 – BOWEL CANCER please click the link below:
Health Insights#1 PERSISTENT COUGH please click the link below:
Who are the volunteer members of the PPG

Need help to get online to access advice and appointments
Need to request sick notes etc.?
We can help set your phone/tablet up and show you how to book appointments
A PPG Inititaive
If you would like to learn more about how to install and use the NHS App and want help to use the new online patient triage system (which can provide access to advice and appointments) please contact Tracy Madge, see below.
We also have NHS App experts we can contact to help you set the app up too.
Ivy Medical Group – Patient Participation Group
24 November 2022 Meeting Minutes
Attendees and Apologies.
All present signed the code of conduct for the PPG meeting
In attendance and observing:
Jane Hildreth, Newark & Sherwood Council for Voluntary Services
Paddy Tipping, Non-Executive Director, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Code of conduct signed
Action: All to note
Ingrid Glover and Tracy Madge
Action: All to note
Minute taker
Tracy Madge
The meeting was audio recorded and can be made available to those who could not attend the meeting.
Audio recording of the meeting available on request
Action: All to note
See ENC. 1 ENC. 1: Attendees, members and apologies
Action: All to note
Conflicts of interest
Steve Scott related to staff who work at IMG
Action: All to note
Minutes from the last meeting
N/A first meeting of revamped PPG
Standing agenda item will be to agree and sign off
Action: All to note
Matters arising not on the agenda
N/A as above
Action: All to note
PPG Vision and Code of Conduct
ENC. 2: Presented and supported.
The PPG will focus on future developments that support the practice and not on complaints.
Practice staff agreed to provide an overview of complaint themes at each PPG meeting and seek advice where necessary
Vision and code of conduct approved.
Action: All to note
Summary of complaints at every PPG
Action: Practice by 02-03-23
Terms of reference (TOR)
ENC. 3: issued for consideration.
· A core membership of 12 people was approved. All other patients are welcome to attend.
· Membership needs to reflect the patient demographic. Agreed that all equality strands should be represented if possible.
· Steve Scott and Ingrid Glover were nominated as co-Chairs and this was supported by attendees
· Tracey Andersen was nominated as secretary and this was supported by attendees
1. Any comments or changes to the TOR be sent to Tracy Madge. If none received these will be signed off as approved on 12-12-22
Action: All by 09-12-22
2. Confirmation of the PPG co-Chairs and secretary
Action: All to Note
Members contacts
ENC. 1: Attendees, members and apologies
All agreed that emails could be shared openly to support communications with members. Mobile numbers will be removed
Amend member contact list and share with members
Action: Tracy Madge by 02-02-22
Update on the listening exercise
ENC. 4: Update on listening exercise
Slides presented. More work is required to ensure working age and under 18 have their views captured. Approximately 160 people have fed back so far with an average age of 67.
Engagement with other age groups will be collated and presented in March 2023
1. Outputs from the listening exercise to date to be published on the website.
Action: Practice staff by 02-02-22
2. Engagement with under 65s to be completed by March 2023
Action: Tracy Madge, James Hall by 01-03-23
Patient Partner for Communication
Dan Howarth, Patient Partner (see below), provided a video update.
The practice agreed to identify all patients who prefer postal communications
1. Upload video with PPG minutes
Action: Practice by 02-12-22
2. Identify patients for postal service
Action: Practice by 31-03-23
Practice update
The practice informed the PPG of new staff.
Lowdham closure was discussed and a FAQ has been published and posted out. This will be updated as necessary.
Members asked for roles of staff to be explained and for photos of the team to go on notice boards/website
Patient Partners were confirmed as:
· Dan is a Patient Partner who is a local resident at our Learning Disability home in Burton Joyce. Dan is regularly updating our notice boards and helping us with posting key messages to those who are housebound or cannot use technology.
· James Hall is our Patient Partner for younger people engagement. James runs an adult football team and has a keen interest in younger people’s health. James is working with sixth forms to understand the needs of us under 18s so we can plan services with them and for them.
· Lindsay Hall is our Patient Partner supporting us with end-of-life care. Lindsay is a clinical nurse specialist in palliative care and end of life care at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Together with Dr Baker and Nottinghamshire Hospice we are working to ensure our patients and carers receive the best care possible at the end of their life.
· Bob Barrett is our Patient Partner leading on Health Promotion. This will help signpost patients to information for self-care and how to navigate the NHS
· Tracy Madge is our Patient Partner supporting us with our strategy and new premises business case. Tracy is a retired nurse who worked at director level across the NHS.
1. Update website with new staff and include photos of all the team
2. Provide role description on website and notice boards
Action: Practice by 09-12-22
3. Under 18, End of Life and Health Promotion Plans to be presented at March PPG
Action: James Hall, Bob Barrett and Lindsay Hall by 02-03-23
Group discussion
· Patients over a certain age have expectation of the practice that may not be able to be met e.g. first choice of face to face appointments rather than a phone call
· How will electronic patient prescribing (EPS) be introduced, what information will be provided for patients
· Membership must be inclusive and representative
· New staff roles need to be communicated e.g. advanced clinical practitioners
· Patients may want to attend the PPG as patients not as ‘experts’ or ‘leads’
· Communication methods need to be tailored
1. All patients can attend the PPG but a core of 12 members will be in place (see below)
Action: All to note ENC. 1
2. EPS to be communicated to patients
Action: Practice by 12-12-22
3. Roles of staff and photos to be on website and notice boards
Action: Practice by 12-12-22
4. Communicate messages to all patients and PPG via IMG web access/notice boards/letter
Action: Practice and Secretary by 02-02-23
PPG Work Plan 2022-2023
Issued for consideration
Any comments or changes to be sent to Tracy Madge. If none received this will be signed off as approved on 12-12-22
Action: All by 09-12-22
PPG members are key to communication.
The practice agreed to enable PPG chairs and secretary to have access to the PPG area on the IMG website.
The secretary and chairs will keep the site updated and share on social media.
Sally Smith agreed to share with church community and PPG to ensure Dan Howarth has paper copies for posting and notice boards
1. Practice to enable editor rights to PPG page on website
Action: Practice by 02-12-22
2. Keep PPG web page updated and share to social media. Share with Dan Howarth and Sally Smith
Action: PPG chairs/secretary monthly
Core members – updated 11 July 2023
The following members will form the core of the PPG
1. Ingrid Glover – Co-Chair
2. Steve Scott – Co-Chair representing working age
3. Tracy Madge – Secretary representing working age
4. Dan Howarth, Patient Partner for communication and representing Learning Disability community
5. Brandon Lee – Sixth former, Southwell School, representing young people
6. Lindsay Hall – representing working age and support for end of life care
7. Bob Barrett – supporting health promotion
10. David Morley – supporting the PPG with patient views
11. Liz Breeze – supporting the PPG with patient views
12. Ingrid Glover supporting the PPG with patient views
As more patients come forward the above can be changed to ensure membership can reflect the demographics and allow patients unable to attend the meeting to come forward.
Core membership agreed. All patients welcome to attend all PPG meetings.
Core members from other patients to be considered. Patients to contact Tracy Madge if they wish to be a core member by 12-12-22
Action: All PPG members by 12-12-22
Next meeting
Thursday 2 March 2023. Venue and time TBC
Agree venue and time
Action: Co-chairs & Secretary by 02-02-22
24 November 2022 Meeting Minutes:
ENC 2: PPG Vision and Code of Conduct
Notes of a Meeting of the Ivy Medical Group Management Team and the Co–Chairs of the Patient Participation Group
Virtual Meeting by Team Windows
Tuesday 9th March 2021
PPG Co-Chair
PPG Co-Chair
Dr Panesar GP, Ivy Medical Group
Melanie Maddock Practice Manager
Victoria Hann Deputy Practice Manager
1. Welcome
The PPG Co-Chair gave a warm welcome and introduction to the Practice Manager and the Deputy Practice Manager.
2. Covid Vaccination Update
Dr Panesar explained that the Vaccination Programme is being run by the NHS Locality Team and this included the need for Home Visits for patients who are unable to get to any of the Vaccination Centres. Details about the programme and how to apply are available on the Locality Team website or by phoning 119. He understood the PPGs concern that patients attempts to get through on the phone were often unsuccessful and undertook to pass this on to the Team to see whether access could be improved.
The practice have started to monitor which practice patients have had the first vaccine and are pleased to find that less than 100 of patients over 65 have not yet been vaccinated.
3. Communication
The meeting recognised the need to keep patients informed of developments in these difficult times and discussed how this might best be achieved.
It was agreed to draw up a newsletter which could be made available on the practice website and village Facebook pages. In addition, the village pharmacies would be approached to explore the possibility of issuing it alongside patients’ medication, both in the pharmacy and when delivered, in order to reach patients who do not have access to on-line facilities.
4. Patients Concerns
Dr Panesar accepted that regular activities, such as shingles, pneumonia and other vaccines together with well person checks had been paused in order to cope with the volume of work arising in dealing with the pandemic, but it was hoped that it will be possible to bring these back again very soon though those overdue will need to be spread over a period. Coping with the Covid menace had inevitably meant that some things had to be set aside.
The surgery clinical staff and practice staff have also been victims of the Covid epidemic and, regrettably, at one time appointments had to be cancelled at short notice. By the use of telephone reviews, the practice tried to have contact with as many patients as was possible. All the clinicians are skilled in the use of telephone reviews and video links. Therefore, the use of such calls has been explored. Lambley Lane surgery has just introduced the use of Microsoft Teams to reach patients. Anyone with an urgent need to see a doctor is always seen that day.
The provision of blood test results for patients to assist private consultations raises difficult issues and the practice cannot provide the practitioner direct. However the practice is willing to meet patients half-way by making a copy of the blood test available at reception.
Because of the high number of Covid hospital admissions, many hospital staff are diverted to other hospital activities, the result of which is that referrals and
enquiries from GP practices may take longer to get a reply. Hopefully, as the number of hospital admissions fall, things may return to normal.
5. Any Other Business
Work is continuing to achieve improvement in telephone access to the surgeries. The practice knows the system that is wanted, but this cannot be installed until contract issues with the present suppliers have been resolved.
The provision of notice boards for PPG news at each surgery site will be established.